Ichigo (Kazuya) vs Mintea (Sephiroth)

Save Room 2 Winners R2

More Kazuya vs Sephiroth VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Save Room 2 Winners R2 Kazuya Ichigo vs. Mintea Sephiroth Oct 14, 2023
Edge Guard 104 RR Pools Kazuya Umm... vs. NuHuh Sephiroth Aug 6, 2023
Phantasm 79 Losers Quarters Sephiroth Tonii-Chan vs. Jeff.exe Kazuya Jan 18, 2023
LMBM 2023 Sephiroth 2thiccnicc vs. Omnilax Kazuya Jan 11, 2023
Let's Make Moves Miami Sephiroth Soar vs. Omnilax Kazuya Nov 1, 2022
NTC Smash Open 1 Winners Semis Sephiroth Baleb vs. Big Mac Kazuya Sep 25, 2022
Phantasm 56 RR Pools JokerKazuya Umm... vs. Ace CloudSephiroth Aug 10, 2022
D Groups Sephiroth Tweek vs. Riddles Kazuya Jun 18, 2022
USW 109 InklingKazuya Brr vs. jonhy ChromSephiroth Jun 15, 2022
Tipped Off: Reunion Losers Quarters Kazuya Hushpuppy vs. Luka Mii BrawlerSephiroth Jun 13, 2022

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More VODs with Ichigo

Tournament Match Upload Date
Cream City Clash 108 Winners Quarters Samus Eyas vs. Ichigo HeroSteve Oct 23, 2023
Save Room 2 Winners R2 Kazuya Ichigo vs. Mintea Sephiroth Oct 14, 2023
West Towne Brawl 68 Winners Quarters Yoshi Riflip vs. Ichigo Pac-ManKazuya Oct 14, 2023
West Towne Brawl 68 Losers R5 Hero CHICO vs. Ichigo Kazuya Oct 14, 2023
Cream City Clash: Before the Merge Winners R2 Fox mjmd vs. Ichigo Kazuya Oct 8, 2023
Cream City Clash: Before the Merge Winners Quarters Ness Samurai vs. Ichigo Kazuya Oct 8, 2023
Save Room 1 Winners R2 Incineroar Quag vs. Ichigo Kazuya Oct 2, 2023
Thursday Throwdown 66 Losers Semis Pac-ManKazuya Ichigo vs. Astigmatism Corrin Sep 25, 2023
Thursday Throwdown 66 Winners Semis Pac-ManKazuya Ichigo vs. Comet Fox Sep 25, 2023
Thursday Throwdown 66 Winners R2 Pac-ManKazuya Ichigo vs. Astigmatism Corrin Sep 25, 2023

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More VODs with Mintea

Tournament Match Upload Date
Save Room 2 Winners R2 Kazuya Ichigo vs. Mintea Sephiroth Oct 14, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 1 Losers Finals Sephiroth Mintea vs. NV Robin Sep 19, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 1 Losers Semis Sephiroth Mintea vs. YoWazPoppin Falco Sep 19, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 1 Winners Semis JokerSephiroth Mintea vs. gray Roy Sep 19, 2023
West Towne Brawl 60 Winners R1 Sheik Peels vs. Mintea Cloud Aug 23, 2023
Warhawk Rumble 12 Winners R3 Bowser Eyas vs. Mintea Sephiroth Oct 26, 2022
NIL V Losers R3 Sephiroth Mintea vs. Solarman Mega Man Aug 14, 2022
NIL III Winners Quarters Bowser Jr.Incineroar D-Money vs. Mintea Sephiroth Jul 18, 2022
NIL III Winners R2 Dr. Mario Gote vs. Mintea Sephiroth Jul 18, 2022
NIL II Winners R2 Snake Black Tiger vs. Mintea Sephiroth Jul 2, 2022

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More Kazuya VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Wolfpack Mashers 8 Grand Finals Kazuya Jeoff vs. Kaden CloudSteveKazuya Oct 30, 2023
Wolfpack Mashers 8 Winners Finals Kazuya Jeoff vs. D-Money Incineroar Oct 30, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 4 Grand Finals Cloud Fatalis vs. Galleon Kazuya Oct 30, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 4 Losers Finals Steve PacSmash vs. Galleon Kazuya Oct 30, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 4 Losers Semis Robin NV vs. Galleon Kazuya Oct 30, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 4 Losers Quarters Roy gray vs. Galleon Kazuya Oct 30, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 4 Losers R6 NessSora Verde vs. Galleon Kazuya Oct 30, 2023
Warhawk Weekly 4 Winners Quarters Kazuya Galleon vs. PacSmash Steve Oct 30, 2023
Save Room 3 Losers Finals Hero Comet vs. Galleon Kazuya Oct 30, 2023
Save Room 3 Winners Finals Zero Suit Samus gray vs. Galleon Kazuya Oct 30, 2023

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More Sephiroth VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Warhawk Weekly 4 Winners R2 IncineroarSephiroth BMW vs. Takaiga Marth Oct 30, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Diddy KongSephiroth Tweek vs. Dabuz Rosalina & LumaMin Min Oct 29, 2023
Seibugeki 15 Sephiroth Ken vs. Jagaimo Palutena Oct 28, 2023
Sumapa 110 Top 8 JokerSephiroth Gorioka vs. Yuzu Rosalina & LumaMin Min Oct 26, 2023
USW 178 JokerSephiroth Winners Quarters - xenn vs. Cheeks Cloud Oct 26, 2023
Scrims Showdown 104 Losers Semis JokerSephiroth Terrion vs. Shelter Bayonetta Oct 25, 2023
Scrims Showdown 104 Sephiroth Monem vs. Tohjo Pyra/Mythra Oct 25, 2023
Ult Singles In Your Area 74 Winners Quarters Sephiroth Toland vs. Vergul Joker Oct 23, 2023
Ult Singles In Your Area 74 RR Pools Sephiroth Toland vs. Salami Luigi Oct 23, 2023
Between 2 Lakes 55 RR Pools Joker Johnwick3 vs. Volt Sephiroth Oct 16, 2023

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