Arnie Sterling (Donkey Kong, King Dedede) vs Lumenessence (Isabelle, Byleth)

Blugold Smash 2 Losers Semis

More VODs with Arnie Sterling

Tournament Match Upload Date
Blugold Smash 2 Losers Semis Donkey KongKing Dedede Arnie Sterling vs. Lumenessence IsabelleByleth Oct 4, 2023
Blugold Smash 2 Winners R2 Donkey KongKing Dedede Arnie Sterling vs. InfernoFlare Zero Suit SamusWolf Oct 4, 2023

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More VODs with Lumenessence

Tournament Match Upload Date
NTC Smash Open 7 Losers Semis Bayonetta Dash vs. Lumenessence Isabelle Oct 8, 2023
NTC Smash Open 7 Losers Quarters Marth DiscoBoat vs. Lumenessence King K. RoolIsabelle Oct 8, 2023
NTC Smash Open 7 Winners Semis Zero Suit SamusKazuya Jeoff vs. Lumenessence King K. RoolIsabelle Oct 8, 2023
NTC Smash Open 7 Winners Quarters Bayonetta Dash vs. Lumenessence Isabelle Oct 8, 2023
Blugold Smash 2 Losers Finals Zero Suit Samus Jeoff vs. Lumenessence CorrinKing K. Rool Oct 4, 2023
Blugold Smash 2 Losers Semis Donkey KongKing Dedede Arnie Sterling vs. Lumenessence IsabelleByleth Oct 4, 2023
Blugold Smash 2 Losers Quarters King K. RoolIsabelle Lumenessence vs. InfernoFlare Zero Suit SamusWolf Oct 4, 2023
Blugold Smash 2 Winners Semis Mii BrawlerCorrin Lumenessence vs. FuYo Pichu Oct 4, 2023
Riverside Rumble 45 Losers R2 Young LinkKing K. Rool Lumenessence vs. SpiderKey Sora Nov 7, 2022
Riverside Rumble 45 Winners Quarters Young Link Lumenessence vs. Tone Lucas Nov 7, 2022

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More Donkey Kong VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
BDS Weekly 8 Winners Semis Donkey KongJoker Delectron vs. IvUsaur Piranha Plant Oct 30, 2023
BDS Weekly 8 Winners R2 Donkey Kong IvUsaur vs. Rana Incineroar Oct 30, 2023
BDS Weekly 8 Winners R2 Donkey Kong Konvix vs. Gateway Cloud Oct 30, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Donkey Kong ChunkyKong vs. Scend Ness Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Donkey Kong AFMBot vs. Alo! Zelda Oct 29, 2023
DAT MM 289 Donkey Kong Focus Miss vs. Yousef2AT Snake Oct 20, 2023
DAT MM 288 King Dedede Nutroast vs. Sebychu JigglypuffDonkey Kong Oct 11, 2023
Fire Fox 25 Winners R1 Steve Arico vs. Chump Donkey Kong Oct 11, 2023
NTC Smash Open 7 Losers Quarters Bayonetta Dash vs. Yan Donkey KongCloud Oct 8, 2023
NTC Smash Open 7 Winners Semis Yoshi Toland vs. Yan Donkey Kong Oct 8, 2023

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More King Dedede VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
BDS Weekly 8 Winners Quarters YoshiPyra/Mythra Delectron vs. T_Boi King DededeKirby Oct 30, 2023
Cream City Clash 108 Losers Finals King Dedede Sophist vs. Kaiju KenKazuya Oct 23, 2023
Cream City Clash 108 Losers Quarters King Dedede Sophist vs. Cal Wario Oct 23, 2023
Cream City Clash 108 Winners Semis Samus Eyas vs. Sophist King Dedede Oct 23, 2023
Between 2 Lakes 55 RR Pools FalcoKing Dedede Untitled vs. Maritime Palutena Oct 16, 2023
USW 146 R.O.B. Grayson vs. Fox King Dedede Oct 15, 2023
The Grind 252 King Dedede Mr. Pink vs. Aurph King Dedede Oct 14, 2023
PURE Smash #120 Losers Quarters Joker ChessChallenger vs. Sir Z King Dedede Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #120 Losers Semis King Dedede Sir Z vs. Sockem16 Lucas Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #120 Losers Quarters Joker ChessChallenger vs. Sir Z King Dedede Oct 13, 2023

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More Isabelle VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Isabelle Necross vs. WooxTom Inkling Oct 24, 2023
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Isabelle Necross vs. Gawain Pyra/Mythra Oct 24, 2023
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Isabelle Necross vs. Actylo Ganondorf Oct 24, 2023
Sumapa 108 Losers Finals Isabelle kept vs. Umeki Daisy Oct 19, 2023
PURE Smash #122 Winners Finals Isabelle B-Rice vs. Peridot Young Link Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #119 Grand Finals Wolf Flip vs. B-Rice Isabelle Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #122 Winners Semis Wolf Flip vs. B-Rice Isabelle Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #119 Winners Semis Isabelle B-Rice vs. Peridot Young Link Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #119 Winners Finals Wolf Flip vs. B-Rice Isabelle Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #122 Winners Semis Wolf Flip vs. B-Rice Isabelle Oct 13, 2023

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More Byleth VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
BDS Weekly 8 Losers Finals Byleth FlyingBoy vs. Zachariah21 Cloud Oct 30, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Byleth justinbyleth vs. Yamil Yoshi Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Kazuya Wheezer vs. Anaconda Byleth Oct 29, 2023
SAO 5 Byleth Winners Quarters - E_01 vs. DoritoBandito Mario Oct 29, 2023
Sumapa 110 Byleth Reno vs. Ken Sonic Oct 26, 2023
The Grind 253 GRAND FINALS Byleth justinbyleth vs. Seagull Joe Diddy KongSonic Oct 24, 2023
The Grind 253 Losers Finals Byleth justinbyleth vs. Kurshaun Pac-Man Oct 24, 2023
The Grind 253 Losers Semis Byleth justinbyleth vs. electrode Zelda Oct 24, 2023
PURE Smash #116 Losers Quarters Young Link Peridot vs. Myth Byleth Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #116 Winners Semis Wolf Flip vs. Myth Byleth Oct 13, 2023

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