Shuton (Olimar, Pyra/Mythra) vs Keroguchi (Wii Fit Trainer)

SWT East Asia Group A

More VODs with Shuton

Tournament Match Upload Date
Seibugeki 15 GRAND FINALS Mr. Game & WatchSteve Miya vs. Shuton OlimarPyra/Mythra Oct 28, 2023
Seibugeki 15 Losers Finals Pyra/Mythra Shuton vs. yamanaction Steve Oct 28, 2023
Kagaribi 11 OlimarPyra/Mythra Shuton vs. hurt Snake Oct 10, 2023
Sumapa 106 GRAND FINALS Pyra/Mythra Shuton vs. yamanaction Steve Sep 29, 2023
Sumapa 106 Top 8 Olimar Shuton vs. ProtoBanham Lucina Sep 29, 2023
Delta 5 OlimarPyra/Mythra Shuton vs. Jagaimo Palutena Sep 24, 2023
SSC 2023 Mr. Game & Watch Miya vs. Shuton OlimarPyra/Mythra Aug 15, 2023
SSC 2023 OlimarPyra/Mythra Shuton vs. Chronos Snake Aug 15, 2023
SSC 2023 Pyra/Mythra Shuton vs. AndresFn Terry Aug 13, 2023
SSC 2023 Wolf Idlehands vs. Shuton OlimarPyra/Mythra Aug 11, 2023

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More VODs with Keroguchi

Tournament Match Upload Date
SWT East Asia Top 16 Min Min Omuat vs. Keroguchi Wii Fit Trainer Nov 28, 2021
SWT East Asia Group A OlimarPyra/Mythra Shuton vs. Keroguchi Wii Fit Trainer Nov 28, 2021
SWT East Asia Group A Lucina ProtoBanham vs. Keroguchi Wii Fit Trainer Nov 28, 2021
TAMISUMA 245 GRAND FINALS Mario Nao vs. Keroguchi Wii Fit Trainer Apr 6, 2021
TAMISUMA 245 Semifinals Bowser Hero vs. Keroguchi Wii Fit Trainer Apr 6, 2021
TAMISUMA 245 Quarterfinals R.O.B. Kuroponzu vs. Keroguchi Wii Fit Trainer Apr 6, 2021
TAMISUMA 228 Round 2 Wii Fit Trainer Occho vs. Keroguchi Wii Fit Trainer Feb 16, 2021
TAMISUMA 225 Top 16 Wii Fit Trainer Keroguchi vs. Toatti Pokemon Trainer Feb 5, 2021

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More Olimar VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
LMM Miami 2023 Jigglypuff Hockey vs. Klaatu Olimar Oct 29, 2023
Seibugeki 15 GRAND FINALS Mr. Game & WatchSteve Miya vs. Shuton OlimarPyra/Mythra Oct 28, 2023
Sumapa 110 Olimar Uame vs. Metara Meta Knight Oct 26, 2023
S@X 529 Greninja Brisket vs. Aurph Olimar Oct 19, 2023
Kagaribi 11 OlimarPyra/Mythra Shuton vs. hurt Snake Oct 10, 2023
Kagaribi 11 Olimar Noi vs. Kome Shulk Oct 9, 2023
Sumapa 106 Top 8 Olimar Shuton vs. ProtoBanham Lucina Sep 29, 2023
Delta 5 OlimarPyra/Mythra Shuton vs. Jagaimo Palutena Sep 24, 2023
Delta 5 Snake hurt vs. Uame Olimar Sep 24, 2023
Delta 5 OlimarSephiroth Noi vs. Fui Yoshi Sep 24, 2023

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More Pyra/Mythra VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
LMM Miami 2023 GRAND FINALS Pyra/Mythra Spargo vs. Sonix Sonic Oct 30, 2023
BDS Weekly 8 Grand Finals Joker Delectron vs. Zachariah21 CloudPyra/Mythra Oct 30, 2023
BDS Weekly 8 Winners Quarters YoshiPyra/Mythra Delectron vs. T_Boi King DededeKirby Oct 30, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Winners Finals Pyra/Mythra Spargo vs. Sonix Sonic Oct 30, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Top 8 Pyra/Mythra Spargo vs. Kola Roy Oct 30, 2023
SAO 5 Fox Pictochat gf vs. Paradigm Pyra/Mythra Oct 29, 2023
Seibugeki 15 GRAND FINALS Mr. Game & WatchSteve Miya vs. Shuton OlimarPyra/Mythra Oct 28, 2023
Seibugeki 15 Losers Finals Pyra/Mythra Shuton vs. yamanaction Steve Oct 28, 2023
Sumapa 110 Losers Finals MewtwoPyra/Mythra Gorioka vs. TG Banjo & Kazooie Oct 26, 2023
S@X 530 Mii Brawler Mr. Pink vs. Captain King K. RoolPyra/Mythra Oct 26, 2023

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More Wii Fit Trainer VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Wolfpack Mashers 8 Losers R3 Wii Fit Trainer lyanne! vs. Kaden BayonettaSteve Oct 30, 2023
Wolfpack Mashers 8 Winners R2 Wii Fit Trainer lyanne! vs. fae Jigglypuff Oct 30, 2023
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Wii Fit Trainer fm vs. WooxTom Inkling Oct 24, 2023
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Wii Fit Trainer fm vs. WooxTom Inkling Oct 24, 2023
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Wii Fit Trainer fm vs. Jibay Mario Oct 24, 2023
BDS Weekly 6 Grand Finals Zero Suit SamusKazuya Jeoff vs. Weef Wii Fit Trainer Oct 15, 2023
BDS Weekly 6 Losers Finals Dark Pit StudentX vs. Weef Wii Fit Trainer Oct 15, 2023
BDS Weekly 6 Winners Finals Zero Suit SamusKazuya Jeoff vs. Weef Wii Fit Trainer Oct 15, 2023
BDS Weekly 6 Winners Semis Snake FlyingBoy vs. Weef Wii Fit Trainer Oct 15, 2023
S@X 528 Piranha Plant YouSoup vs. Bunga Wii Fit Trainer Oct 13, 2023

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