Indy Gray (Ridley) vs Tispai (Ike)

USW 38

More Ridley vs Ike VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Ult Singles In Your Area 67 RR Pools Ridley Sylvi vs. Vedi Ike Sep 3, 2023
SSO 96 Ridley Winners Semis - Blook vs. Tispai IkePyra/Mythra Mar 7, 2023
LMBM 2023 Ike Mega vs. SolarBeam Ridley Jan 12, 2023
Ult Singles In Your Area 17 Winners Semis Ridley Sylvi vs. Vedi IkePokemon Trainer Jul 28, 2022
Warm Ridley BullHall vs. DarkLaw Ike Jul 7, 2022
77s FM2 Ridley Nair^ vs. Sickening Ike May 1, 2022
Don't Get Tilted #18 RidleySephiroth hyde vs. Darkholme Ike Sep 17, 2021
Get Clipped #12 Ike Yez vs. Nair^ Ridley Apr 21, 2021
M-Kolosseum 4 Winners Semis Ike Ravenking vs. Nair^ Ridley Nov 23, 2020
USW 38 Ridley Indy Gray vs. Tispai Ike Sep 2, 2019

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More VODs with Indy Gray

Tournament Match Upload Date
USW 91 Robin Koi vs. Indy Gray SonicRidley Dec 24, 2021
USW 87 Roy jonhy vs. Indy Gray Sonic Dec 1, 2021
USW 80 Samus Xillion vs. Indy Gray MewtwoRidley Sep 24, 2021
USW 60 Wii Fit Trainer Balance vs. Indy Gray RidleyByleth Feb 5, 2020
USW 59 Greninja Eclipse vs. Indy Gray CorrinRidley Jan 24, 2020
USW 56 Bowser Bobbles vs. Indy Gray Ridley Jan 8, 2020
USW 52 Palutena dezly vs. Indy Gray Ridley Dec 6, 2019
USW 51 Ridley Indy Gray vs. Grayson R.O.B. Nov 29, 2019
USW 50 SonicRidley Indy Gray vs. Awestin Ness Nov 22, 2019
USW 50 Joker Yousoro vs. Indy Gray Ridley Nov 22, 2019

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More VODs with Tispai

Tournament Match Upload Date
USW 173 R.O.B. Kazma vs. Tispai Pyra/Mythra Sep 15, 2023
USW 173 Wario Winners Quarters - StrawberryW vs. Tispai Pyra/Mythra Sep 15, 2023
USW 172 Kazuya Winners Quarters - dr. shrimp puerto rico vs. Tispai IkePyra/Mythra Sep 7, 2023
USW 172 Kazuya Skeleton vs. Tispai IkePyra/Mythra Sep 7, 2023
USW 166 Joker Atomic vs. Tispai Pyra/Mythra Jul 20, 2023
SSO 115 Ridley Blook vs. Tispai Pyra/Mythra Jul 9, 2023
USW 163 Chrom Kyle vs. Tispai IkePyra/Mythra Jul 5, 2023
USW 163 King Dedede Fox vs. Tispai IkePyra/Mythra Jul 5, 2023
USW 163 King Dedede Fox vs. Tispai Ike Jul 5, 2023
USW 157 Samus Winners Bracket - Teaser vs. Tispai Pyra/Mythra May 4, 2023

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More Ridley VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Ult Singles In Your Area 75 RR Pools Pit Kenyon vs. Sylvi Ridley Oct 30, 2023
The Grind 254 Ridley OP vs. Komidori MarioRoy Oct 28, 2023
Cream City Clash 108 Winners Quarters Piranha Plant Dark Sriracha vs. Sophist Ridley Oct 23, 2023
Cream City Clash 108 RR Pools Lucina mjmd vs. Sophist Ridley Oct 23, 2023
Lunacity 1 Ridley Losers Quarters - Globu vs. Xetroz R.O.B. Oct 17, 2023
Lunacity 1 Ridley Losers Round 5 - Globu vs. Nemesis Joker Oct 17, 2023
Lunacity 1 Ridley Winners Round 2 - Globu vs. Mr.F Cloud Oct 17, 2023
BDS Weekly 5 Winners R2 Ridley The Old Man vs. Rana Wolf Oct 9, 2023
NTC Smash Open 7 Losers R4 Marth DiscoBoat vs. Sylvi Ridley Oct 8, 2023
S@X 527 GRAND FINALS Wario Mata-Door vs. Creepooba Ridley Oct 5, 2023

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More Ike VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
LMM Miami 2023 Ike Ghoul979 vs. Seel Ness Oct 29, 2023
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #111 Ike Actylo vs. WooxTom Inkling Oct 11, 2023
NTC Smash Open 7 RR Pools Donkey Kong Yan vs. RedHemlock Ike Oct 8, 2023
Construct 190 Winners R2 DaisyFox Comet vs. Faliol Ike Sep 26, 2023
Delta 5 Ike Azarush vs. Yaminabe Little Mac Sep 24, 2023
Phantasm 106 Losers R2 IkeKing Dedede Quasar vs. Rodeo Lewis Zero Suit Samus Sep 19, 2023
USW 172 Kazuya Winners Quarters - dr. shrimp puerto rico vs. Tispai IkePyra/Mythra Sep 7, 2023
USW 172 Kazuya Skeleton vs. Tispai IkePyra/Mythra Sep 7, 2023
Ult Singles In Your Area 67 Losers Quarters King Dedede Flavor vs. Vedi Ike Sep 3, 2023
Ult Singles In Your Area 67 Winners Semis R.O.B.Cloud Toland vs. Vedi IkePokemon Trainer Sep 3, 2023

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