Simon VODs

Browsing all Ultimate character VODs for Simon.

Tournament Match Upload Date
The Grind 203 Losers Quarters Simon Squidplumber vs. Red Oolong Wii Fit Trainer Oct 10, 2022
The Grind 203 Top 8 King K. Rool KingRoBo vs. Squidplumber SimonRichter Oct 10, 2022
Glitch Regen SimonRichter Squidplumber vs. PkChris Ness Sep 25, 2022
Cream City Clash 12 Losers Finals Bowser Jr.Simon Redline vs. Eyas LucinaLink Sep 25, 2022
The Grind 196 Winners Finals Pokemon Trainer Puppeh vs. Squidplumber Simon Aug 22, 2022
The Grind 196 Winners Semis WolfCorrinSephiroth Pink Fresh vs. Squidplumber Simon Aug 22, 2022
The Grind 196 Winners Quarters Dr. Mario BacoN vs. Squidplumber Simon Aug 22, 2022
The Grind 196 Simon Squidplumber vs. n0pe Steve Aug 22, 2022
S@X 469 GRAND FINALS Simon Squidplumber vs. Kurshaun RoyPac-Man Aug 18, 2022
S@X 469 Winners Finals Young Link PawnMaster vs. Squidplumber Simon Aug 18, 2022