Lima (Bayonetta) vs kept (Diddy Kong, Isabelle)

First Attack 2022 Losers Finals

More VODs with Lima

Tournament Match Upload Date
USW 170 Ness Winners Semis - Ruskinurd vs. Lima Corrin Oct 6, 2023
USW 163 Corrin Lima vs. Fudge Sonic Jul 5, 2023
USW 162 Corrin Lima vs. Beastly Diddy Kong Jul 5, 2023
USW 162 Diddy Kong Beastly vs. Lima Corrin Jul 5, 2023
USW 162 Corrin Lima vs. Ados Terry Jul 5, 2023
USW 162 Wario Skitz vs. Lima Corrin Jul 5, 2023
USW 162 Wario Skitz vs. Lima Corrin Jul 5, 2023
Wavedash 2023 Snake AC vs. Lima Bayonetta Jun 23, 2023
Wavedash 2023 Bayonetta Lima vs. Glug Donkey Kong Jun 23, 2023
Kagaribi 10 Bayonetta Lima vs. Acola Steve May 8, 2023

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More VODs with kept

Tournament Match Upload Date
Sumapa 109 Top 8 Villager kept vs. Tomisa Ice Climbers Oct 20, 2023
Sumapa 108 Losers Finals Isabelle kept vs. Umeki Daisy Oct 19, 2023
Sumapa 108 Losers Semis Villager kept vs. Takera Ken Oct 19, 2023
Sumapa 108 Top 8 Villager kept vs. TG Banjo & Kazooie Oct 19, 2023
Kagaribi 11 Sonic Ken vs. kept Isabelle Oct 9, 2023
Sumapa 106 Top 8 Villager kept vs. Furari no kiwami ahhhhh Ice Climbers Sep 29, 2023
Delta 5 Samus Yaura vs. kept Villager Sep 24, 2023
Sumapa 103 GRAND FINALS Luigi yamanaction vs. kept Villager Sep 7, 2023
Sumapa 103 Top 8 Olimar Uame vs. kept Isabelle Sep 7, 2023
Sumapa 101 Ice Climbers Tomisa vs. kept Villager Aug 24, 2023

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More Bayonetta VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Wolfpack Mashers 8 Losers R3 Wii Fit Trainer lyanne! vs. Kaden BayonettaSteve Oct 30, 2023
Ult Singles In Your Area 75 Losers Semis Bayonetta Dash vs. Escaped Snake Oct 30, 2023
West Towne Brawl 70 Winners R2 Sheik Peels vs. Astigmatism CorrinBayonetta Oct 30, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Losers Semis Palutena Midnight vs. Frawg Bayonetta Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Bayonetta Frawg vs. AwDaSea Diddy Kong Oct 29, 2023
Seibugeki 15 Top 12 Ryu Asimo vs. TamaoPdaifuku Bayonetta Oct 28, 2023
Scrims Showdown 104 Losers Finals Captain Falcon Sir Dank vs. Shelter Bayonetta Oct 25, 2023
Scrims Showdown 104 Losers Semis JokerSephiroth Terrion vs. Shelter Bayonetta Oct 25, 2023
DAT MM 290 Pikachu Zeus vs. splinter Bayonetta Oct 25, 2023
Ult Singles In Your Area 74 Winners Semis Corrin Vedi vs. Dash Bayonetta Oct 23, 2023

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More Diddy Kong VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
West Towne Brawl 70 Losers Quarters Min Min Mario vs. D-Money Diddy KongIncineroar Oct 30, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 R.O.B. Zomba vs. Tweek WarioDiddy Kong Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Diddy KongSephiroth Tweek vs. Dabuz Rosalina & LumaMin Min Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Sonic Sonix vs. Aaron Diddy Kong Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Diddy Kong Tweek vs. Anathema R.O.B. Oct 29, 2023
LMBM Miami 2023 Diddy Kong Tweek vs. Keen Wolf Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Diddy Kong Aaron vs. JMafia YoshiMii Brawler Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Diddy Kong Beastly vs. ChocoTaco Lucas Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Snake MVD vs. Kiki Diddy Kong Oct 29, 2023
LMM Miami 2023 Bayonetta Frawg vs. AwDaSea Diddy Kong Oct 29, 2023

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More Isabelle VODs

Tournament Match Upload Date
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Isabelle Necross vs. WooxTom Inkling Oct 24, 2023
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Isabelle Necross vs. Gawain Pyra/Mythra Oct 24, 2023
Smash Sur Mer Weekly #113 Isabelle Necross vs. Actylo Ganondorf Oct 24, 2023
Sumapa 108 Losers Finals Isabelle kept vs. Umeki Daisy Oct 19, 2023
PURE Smash #122 Winners Finals Isabelle B-Rice vs. Peridot Young Link Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #119 Grand Finals Wolf Flip vs. B-Rice Isabelle Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #122 Winners Semis Wolf Flip vs. B-Rice Isabelle Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #119 Winners Semis Isabelle B-Rice vs. Peridot Young Link Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #119 Winners Finals Wolf Flip vs. B-Rice Isabelle Oct 13, 2023
PURE Smash #122 Winners Semis Wolf Flip vs. B-Rice Isabelle Oct 13, 2023

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